Sunday, November 22, 2009

imi e dor de noi toti .. unde sunteti ???

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


thank you all for being with us on this amazing adventure.
it's silly how a whole year can fit into a single page.
well no wonder, it fits right into our hearts, which are way smaller.

reporting live from the future awaiting,
a proud LCP 07.08

the fat lady sang

it's been super great meeting up and partying at LPM. totally different from last year's LPM, if you had been there you would have met a group of relaxed, cool and amusing EB 07.08. i'm gonna miss you a lot lot!

has it really been a year?!

i truly feel i gained friends for life.
thank you doesn;t even begin to cover it.

p.s. take care and stay awesome, wherever you may roam.

Monday, February 25, 2008

si noiii nostrii urmasi

cred ca la fel de "colorati" ca noi :)








suntem un numar par

best time all together

happy being us....

... ma bucur atat de mult ca ne-am cunoscut si ca am reusit sa fim o echipa in felul nostru mai nebuna si mai "nepotrivita" ca am devenit prieteni in masuri diferite... si am invatat sa ne luam asa cum suntem

multumesc fiecaruia in parte .... si va imbratisez pe toti ... crazy people :)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Sunday, February 10, 2008

the begining of the end:(

Pe ultima suta de metri...
letzu is leaving the herd:P Felicitari and go and kick some ass in Danemarcaaaaaaaa!!
Amalia si Coco bafta si miracole in restul..ocupati cu urez 3 luni suportabile...
repede trecu...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

in continuare

poate ca o zi nu e de ajuns sa incercam sa construim , dar e de ajuns sa incepem sa fim noi ... e de ajuns sa credem in noi si sa visam la ceea ce vrem... chiar intr-o camera plina de lucruri care iti atrag atentia sau pe un balcon, de unde poti privi lumea de afara ... e de ajuns sa radem impreuna .. sa stam impreuna ... sa ascultam impreuna ... sa fim doar noi ...
tie care citesti multe si asculti .... iti spun ...,
e de ajuns sa fim noi ...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

acum stiu

despre un lucru de care eram constienta de ceva vreme dar abia azi m-a lovit atat de simtitor incat sa fiu 100% sigura ca asa e. despre asta e postul asta. despre cum in maniacala mea tendinta de a controla toate cele deveneam fara remuscari un stres si un ghimpe in coasta celor din jur. (nu-mi imaginam ca o sa incep vreodata 3 propozitii la rand cu "despre", ah, cate mai am de aflat despre mine :))
poate inca mai sunt (ghimpe), dar mi-am dat seama ca ar trebui sa stopez tendinta de a incerca sa ii fac pe toti participativi la initativele mele, la a le indesa pe gat argumentele mele pro sau contra unei chestii pentru a-i convinge. nimeni nu va fi mai fericit facand ceva obligat/fortat (desi pana acum credeam ca acest lucru e posibil). o sa continuu sa incerc sa-mi explic cat mai clar parerile, sa ii fac pe ceilalti sa inteleaga de ce ma agit pentru una sau alta, sa ii ajut sa vada ce vad si eu, dar deciziile si le ia fiecare, alegerile le face fiecare pe pielea lui, iar eu o sa le respect. o sa sufar putin la inceput, dar ma obisnuiesc. :)

mersi ca ma suportati si ca ma invatati. :)

Sunday, September 2, 2007


for moments of empty heart, when overjoy filling (and feeling) is necessary.

or maybe some sort of future nostalgia.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

schimbarea la layout... :)

de azi blogul are o noua fata. cu t. ca la pizza. :)
e cam palid, dar o sa isi revina curand. nu a fost un makeover usor.

sa-i fie de bine!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

LPM is underrated!

It truly is! It's the ultimate experience in planning and direction setting! :) It was a huge example of how people can work together and have fun together. Really, after this conference the meaning of the word unity has a totally new meaning, 1000000 more meaningful ;).
Aaaaah, it was awesome. And the downfall of it all is that you'd say "it was awesome" after a dip in the pool or after some really good meal... thats why i'm pretty short on words that could capture the feelings and atmosphere that stayed with us throughout the conference.
So because words barely express what happened with AIESEC Sibiu at LPM, I'll put up some pictures, for the benefit of mr. kite. :)

it happened in Voineasa...

this is the OC, full of ideas and making the LPM go smoooothly...

diversion and surprise attacks had to happen in order to have the old members help. and they did. and we thank them!

it wasnt an easy conference, though. the sales team went up the trees to find strategies that would best fit with what their objectives were

the exchange department worked under less pressure, because they chose a relaxing location

oh the PD team, the main drivers...hooonk hoooonk! :) refreshing and high-spirited as we know them.

Marketing, Projects and Finance teams had this "no pictures" sign on the doors. i didnt dare to interrupt. i now know why. :)

uh-oh! but what happens next? what is this?

a fire! with people around it...

and flashlight karate :D

verbalizing what we have already known...

After a full day of thoroughly planning the projects, among which our first PBOXes, we went to the next level, of putting them on the year plan.

The complete picture looked something like this...

And this is what satisfaction looks like in the eyes of an exhausted EB. Or the way an exhausted EB looks like. :)

I'm totally hyped on whats about to happen this year!
A fiery firestarter.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

before LPM...

think happy thoughts! :)
stress is out, excitement is in. we were building up strength for the LPM to come...

a little pink floydish cover remake...

Friday, July 13, 2007

... poveste din vama........

... povestea de la vama veche a celor doua idealiste…. cum a inceput povestea ... pe cand voi ati ramas in oras
noi ... eram pe drum ....

Apoi a urmat ttf-ul.... multe chestii.....

Dupa care plaja cu vp-iite in swimming suit ....

next …. …..

….. s-o scurtez ….am ajuns in vamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

.... si mai exact la pirati .... vai vai...

Si pentru ca nu v-am uitat cat am fost acolo, si ne-am gandit la voi toti care nu erati cu noi v-am adus cate ceva din vama .....

.......marea si epava ......

....marea si niste salata alge cu scoici

cateva reflexe .... si corturi ....

un apus... dar ce se reflecta din spate ....

O mica cochilie de melc cadou pt voi toti ... si resturi de scoici ,nisip; numa ca nu au intrat in nici o sticluta si de fapt nici nu aveam la noi... plaja goala dimineata

si am ajuns in ultima zi
povestea mege mai departe..............
caci sper si cred ca ne vom intalni din nou ....

Friday, July 6, 2007

la şoping

ne-am luat inimile în dinţi, iar luca şi-a luat şi benzină în rezervor, şi am plecat curajoşi să ne luăm tricouri de eb. eu, luca şi coco, cei care iubesc şi apreciează trend-ul, pentru
. ;))

luca îşi iubeşte şi maşina dar maşina nu prea îl iubeşte pe el. :) îl chinuie cu geamuri sucite, scaune obosite şi uşi trântibile.

astea sunt alea de fete...

iar cele galbene pe care nu am mai îndrăznit să le aerez sunt ale băieţilor.

chilipiruri mişto.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Be the eB!

Call it crazy, but we will give our "EB seats" to you, AIESEC Sibiu members, for one whole week.
Think about it.
There will be elections - all of the members, no matter their membership status, will be able to vote for you - and a transition period followed by the ONE WEEK of your EB-ship. :P

Launching the applications soon.
Be on the lookout!

The EB Team.

Friday, June 1, 2007

effortless effort of being ourselves

EB teamdays is an activity that has as main purpose EB planning. Whats in between, is briefly illustrated below.

The scenecery, being properly prepared.

It starts calmly, like every other saturday night...

But we have a difficult mission...

Luckily, specialists are on our side

We have to stay serious till the end

And our advantage is that we listen actively to all the opinions

Of course, there are boicot attempts of putting the president to sleep...

But they dont' succeed and in the end we are content with our work.

Soon, in a cinema near you.